Why Nott Me

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Some friends and I are going Friday evening to see Joel Osteen.
You can lean more about him at www.lakewood.cc. I am really
looking forward to this. I have been watching him on TV several
years. And enjoy his message. By watching him I was encouraged
to find a church where I felt like I belonged.
When I married my husband and moved, I couldn't find a church
I was comfortable in. And on top of that, I stuck with one for
six months, thinking I would get more comfortable.. when I left,
I never heard anything from them! And that really discouraged
me. It also turned my husband off that it seemed they didn't
even notice!


Blogger Teresa said...

I was on the plane from Houston with him on Wednesday. Was it good?

08 April, 2006 17:50  
Blogger Sheryl said...

Yes, Teresa, it was very good. And I'd go again to see him!

09 April, 2006 10:09  
Blogger Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hi Sheryl ... I don't think you're alone in that kind of an experience at church! It's too bad, but I know it happens way too often! Very disappointing!

11 April, 2006 22:00  

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