I haven't used my camera much this year, but I go
to the Observatory often to see their webcam. I
thought this was beautiful. It reminds me of what
an awesome God I serve. How beauty comes
out of even.. snow and cold!
We've been hiking three or four times a week.
Last Thursday was the coldest as the wind had
a bite to it! But we've got solid two and three
mile trails. I'm so excited. I'm really enjoying
being outside after been cooped up in a
windowless office all day.
A beautiful photo. I hope we get one more good snow this winter yet.
Hi Sheryl!
Oh my! The exercise thing! Thanks for this reminder! I just have to get out there and do something to stretch and exercise my joints and sinews! I always have my excuse but then i read about doing this with the challenge of asthma and realize that I have no good excuse at all!
Oh yes, Barbara! Me too! I'm such a blankie-buddy in cold weather!
Sorry it's been so long. All this hiking is taking up my time! I did over 5 miles this last weekend!
Sunday was a very cool morn (only 30F) but I warm up as I walk, so I continue. I just need longer days!
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