Why Nott Me

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

We’re under a “Heavy Snow Warning”. On Thursday we’re due to get 5-7” of snow! Yipee!! This is what I’ve been waiting for since it turned off cold. Only tomorrow we’ll really get snow! And hopefully it will hang around until Christmas!


Blogger Jeff H said...

I'm in Louisville, KY. Same warning over here. 2 things are for certain:

1. Either it'll be nothing, or it'll be January 1994 all over again. Weather men around here never get it right.

2. People will decide to drive like idiots, either way too fast or creeping but never stopping at intersections (the old "I was afraid I'd start skidding if I hit the brakes" routine).

08 December, 2005 00:26  
Blogger Teresa said...

Sheryl, we are getting it. Are you happy?? I shoveled about 4 inches off and it was still snowing.

08 December, 2005 18:38  
Blogger Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hi Sheryl -- thanks for your comment on my blog -- I tell ya, it's a good thing our internet connection isn't dependant on us having to climb up anywhere to scoop snow out of a satellite dish! My oh my!

I shall email you with some kinttin' stuff ... but it may not appear till after Christmas at this rate! I'm impressed by your # of "done" projects! Wow!

10 December, 2005 21:28  
Blogger Darlene Schacht said...

I'm in Canada where we had tons of snow last year, and the weather has been mild lately. It's the first year we bought a snowblower, of course.

12 December, 2005 18:19  
Blogger Darlene Schacht said...

We have been having nothing but snow the past week or so. On the days the weather is warmer, I don't mind, but it's been too cold lately.

18 December, 2005 14:40  

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