Why Nott Me

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

We live in the “country”. Up until about five years ago we had a few neighbors. Then one old man (I’m being nice), sold his property to a realtor. Okay, this probably wouldn’t have been so bad, except they robbed him blind. The man was 92 and didn’t get out much. His wife had died the winter before so he was alone, except for his son lived beside him. He didn’t even mention to his son that he wanted to sell. This realtor came around as chatted to the old man (and we believe) got him to sell.

Okay, needless to say it made hard feelings between the son and father. But then the realtor divided up the property into lots, very small lots. Then the first trailer moved in, granted I’m not a snob. But I was skeptical and was use to not having neighbors. We now have two trailers, one modular, and one stick built home. Okay, until the police started making regular visits. Then one evening, the police were searching for the neighbors’ oldest son was wanted on an arrest warrant, until all of this we lived in a quite neighborhood.

Tonight we’ve got kids (two, 10 & 13) running up and down the road on quad runners. It wouldn’t be so bad, but they get onto others property (without permission). Which is a liability to the property owners; we’re not the only ones involved. And of course, if they ask, because of liability, you can’t let them. They don’t understand. Why would anyone that wanted to run quad runners buy 1 acre? Duh! I say. We have several acres, more than 10 less than 20. We don’t currently own a quad runner, but we do lots of hiking on our property. And don’t want it all rutted up on our trails.

A couple of Saturdays ago, the older boy and a friend of his went walking down the road with a gun. (maybe a 22 rifle). Okay, first they once again didn’t have permission, and what were they going to shot? Their father wasn’t with them. So my husband, drove went after them. First asked if they had permission, what they were planning to shooting, etc. After many vague answers he sent them home and told them if their parents had a problem with that to send them down. We didn’t see anything from them. My guess is they didn’t want us to call the police to complain. Which would have been our next step, kids that young should be using guns unsupervised.

So now we’ve got the dilemma of being a good or a bad neighbor. We’ve considered calling the police in on this, but it seems unreasonable. We usually save that call for the deer hunters that trespass!
I must say that I liked not having so many issues to deal with. And it’s not like we’ve made friends with any of the new neighbors.


Blogger Teresa said...

I didn't realize your little slice of heaven has been taken over by the WT. I need to come and do some hiking and you still need to fix me up with some of Bart's single friends! :)

12 October, 2005 19:20  
Blogger Sheryl said...

It's probably not as bad as I sound. It just feels that way! A graveyard sounds cool. I have hoot owls that start calling about dark. And Whippoorwills in the summer.

Yes, I haven't forgotten about that and yes, come hiking I would love that.

13 October, 2005 21:59  

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